We are excited to invite you to join us at the Open House events at PSI Kyiv!
During the event you will have an opportunity to learn more about Pechersk School International, our approach to learning, teaching team, facilities and many more things that makes Pechersk School International an exceptional school in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Please make sure to sign-up to a specific session (or both!). Once registered, we will be in touch with you to share further guidelines.
On the photo: Student orientation day, August 2023.
Choose your session...
15th February 2024
Registration is closed! Tune in to watch the recording of the event:
27th April 2024
Registration is closed! Stay tuned for the future announcements.
virtual open talk
Power of International Education During War
We are delighted to invite you to join the first Virtual Pechersk School International (PSI Kyiv) Open Talk!
Our first speaker is Trae Holland, Director of Pechersk School International. Join us on Zoom on 20 June at 18:00 (Kyiv time).
Important documents
Admissions Policy
PSI is an inclusive, diverse, non-discriminatory international school. The admission process is guided by PSI’s Core Values, School Parameters and Mission and Vision Statements.
PSI sees students as individuals and considers their ability to succeed in the school environment in terms of the school’s capacity to support them and enable them to reach their fullest potential.
Please follow the buttonw below to read the full statement.

Tuition fee
The following fee structure was approved by the Board of Governors on 4 December, 2023.
Please follow the link below to access the full document.

Important documents
Admissions Policy
PSI is an inclusive, diverse, non-discriminatory international school. The admission process is guided by PSI’s Core Values, School Parameters and Mission and Vision Statements.
PSI sees students as individuals and considers their ability to succeed in the school environment in terms of the school’s capacity to support them and enable them to reach their fullest potential.
Please follow the buttonw below to read the full statement.

Tuition fee
The following fee structure was approved by the Board of Governors on 17 February, 2023.
Please follow this link to access the full document.